Page No – 257-262
Mallika Dasgupta and Indrani Mukherjee
Calcutta University, Kolkata
Emotional Intelligence is considered to be a very powerful tool to an employee
to manage relationships and achieve success at workplace. The study explored
its relationship to some of the important psychosocial variables in order to assess
what exactly makes this component so useful indeed. The study included 120
IT professionals of Kolkata employed in public as well as private Private sectors.
The sampling was purposive in nature and included only those who were
interested to participate. It followed a correlational design to achieve its aim.
The findings indicated that Emotional intelligence promotes Happiness,
especially in case of female employees, and it also relates positively to Quality
of Work Life of employees. Emotional Intelligence bears a negative relationship
with Work-Family Role Conflict, indicating that Emotional Intelligence tunes
down the perception of Role conflict and thereby reduces the stress produced
by it.