Page No,213-220
Pranaw Chhetri, and Jyotika Sharma,
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim
The aim of the current study was to find the association between Dispositional
Mindfulness and Self-esteem in a sample of meditators and non-meditators of Sikkim.
The sample consisted of a total of 70 young adult population who belonged to the age
group of 18 to 40 years of age. The mean age is 27.73 years (minimum = 20, maximum
= 37) with SD of 5.16. In the gender category 42.8% (N = 30) were females and 57.2%
(N = 40) were males. In terms of meditators/non meditators category 50% (N = 35)
were meditators and 50% (N = 35) were non-meditators. Pearson correlation found a
significant positive correlation between Dispositional Mindfulness and Self-esteem, r =
.65, p < .001. In the subscales of Dispositional mindfulness, Describing (r = .69, p <
.001), Acting with Awareness (r = .53, p < .001) and Non-judging of inner experiences
(r = .27, p < .001) have revealed a significant positive relationship with Self-esteem.
Regression analysis reported significant values with R2 value of .424 signifying 42.4%
of the variance in the outcome variable i.e. Self-esteem with F (1, 68) = 49.96, p<0.001.
Further, stepwise regression analysis also reported significant two step model. Step 1
revealed R2value of .47 reporting Describing Subscale which explained 47% of the
variance in Self-esteem with F (1, 68) = 59.42, p < .001. Step 2 of the model revealed
the R2value of .57 reporting Describing and Acting with Awareness which explained
57% of the variance in Self-esteem with F (2. 67) = 44.83, p < .001. Lastly, independent
samples t-test have revealed that the meditators have reported higher levels of
Dispositional Mindfulness with t(68) = 5.95, p < .001 and Self-esteem with t(68) = 3.24,
p< .0l as compared to non-meditators.