Page No 218-226 Nidhi Verma
Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana
Pooja Yadav
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Eating disorders are growing more prevalent among both men and women worldwide.
One of the key risk factors for the development and maintenance of eating disorders is
identified to be body dissatisfaction. The present research has been carried out on
young Indian college going adults, N=100 studying in various departments of the Central
University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana, India were selected for the present
study. Age of students ranged from 18-26 years with the mean of 22 years. The samples
were administered with NEO-FFI by Costa & Mc Crae and Multidimensional Body-Self
Relations Questionnaire by Cash. Pearson Product moment correlation and Principal
component Factor Analysis was applied in the present study. Previous researches
suggest, personality traits like high levels of neuroticism, perfectionism, and impulsivity
as well as self-esteem plays a significant role in mediating internalization of culturally
impossible goals. The present research is conducted to highlight the issues with body
image in the cultural setting of the Indian population. Results revealed significant
correlation between different personality factors with body image along with five factors
from Principal Component Factor Analysis