Venu Prasad H D and Naveena K
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode
To assess the impact of COVID-19 on individual behaviour, psychological and health
conditions, we surveyed 848 individuals by snowball sampling method. The study found
that an increase in the behavioural pattern of individuals were observed after COVID-19
i.e., wearing masks (97.6%), limited physical contact (95.4%), etc. Respondent’s monthly
income, age and education were showing higher influence towards health, psychology
and behavioural characteristics. The middle (odds value 1.27) aged respondents showing
high behavioural adoption practices than young and old. In terms of psychological
condition, old-aged respondents were psychologically disturbed (2.48) compared to
others. Hence, the study recommends that the Government must ensure to design and
develop psychological programmes directed towards old age people and to solace them
from the fear of the disease.