Page No.131-136
Hardeo Ojha and Meena Pramanick
T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur
In order to see the effect of age difference on intensity and priority of life needs
viz., physiological, security, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization a
large group of 1800 subjects equally divided into six age groups viz., early
young (21-30 yrs), late young (31-40 yrs), early middle (41-50 yrs), late middle
(51-60 yrs), early old (61-70 yrs) and late old (71-80 yrs), who were employed in
or retired from govt. services and educational institutions were administered
Hindi version of Goebel and Brown’s Life Motivation Scale (LMS) with some
minor modifications to suit Indian conditions. The ANOVA revealed that age is
the significant predictor of variation in life needs. The intensity and priority of all
needs changed with change in age periods. However the hierarchy of needs as
conceived by Maslow was not found to exist. This has been interpreted intuitively