Page No.370-373
Renny P.P and Jayasankara Reddy K.
Christ University, Bengaluru
Children find unique acceptance in their relationships with grandparents, which benefits
them emotionally and mentally. The presence of grandparents in the family can be a
source of great support for other family members, especially children and adolescents.
They are often role models, playmates and mentors for younger generations. The
aim of the study is to compare emotional intelligence of adolescents with regard to
the influence of grandparents through a quantitative research design. The sample
taken for this research comprised of 427 adolescents of VIII to XII standards, among
which 278 were from nuclear families and 149 from three generation families. They
belonged to ten different government aided urban state syllabus English medium
schools in Kerala. Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory was used to yield the total
score and four dimensional scores in areas of Intrapersonal awareness, Interpersonal
awareness, Intrapersonal management and Interpersonal management in adolescents.
An independent sample t-test between two types of families indicated that grandparents
have an influence on the emotional intelligence of adolescents.