Page No 174-179
Razouneinuo Suokhrie, and Imlisongla Longkumer
Nagaland University, Kohima, Nagaland
In Nagaland, the rate of unemployment has been consistently high and it impact on
young people has been detrimental. With the lack of job opportunities and high
competition to gain employment, young people face many difficult challenges. Therefore,
in the present study positive mental health along with locus of control was measured
among employed and unemployed young people in Nagaland. The sample consisted
of 600 youth in Nagaland in the age range of 18 to 35 years. The results highlight the
level of mental health and locus of control among employed and unemployed youth. Ttest showed significant differences in emotional wellbeing (t=-6.301, p=.000), social
wellbeing (t= -5.275; p= .000), and psychological wellbeing (t= -5.909; p=.000) among
employed and unemployed youth. Similarly, significant differences were found in the
locus of control (t=5.088, p=.000) among employed and unemployed youth. Pearson
Chi-square also showed a significant association between mental health and locus of
control (÷
2=23.322; p=.00).