Page No: 195-202
Shalini Dubey, Indramani L. Singh and Sudha Srivastava
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Humans can fl exibly shift between two or more competing tasks to meet the changing
need of environment and accomplish their desired goal. However, this benefi t can be
achieved with high reaction times and error rates. The present study compares the cost
when switching from one task to another in two different predictability conditions. In fi rst
condition task switched in predictable and predetermined sequence. This condition
utilized implicit spatial cues whereas, in other condition, the task switched randomly and
an explicit cue informed regarding upcoming task. Three response stimulus intervals
were provided as preparation time to improve performance. Results revealed that task
predictability is an important factor in determining the task switch cost. The overall
performance was better in predictable task switching condition while switch costs were
smaller in random switching condition. Preparation time improved performance in both
switch condition but it reduced switch cost more in random than in predictable switch