Page No 299-305
Edith Panzenböck Martin Nechtelberger Walter Renner Andrea Nechtelberger
Austrian Academy of University of Nicosia Pan-European University and Marko Lüftenegger
Psychology Cyprus Bratislava, University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria Slovak Republic Austria
We discuss the development of a feedback questionnaire for course participants at the
Austrian Academy of Psychology (AAP). The proposed German language questionnaire
is suitable for all kinds of courses in adult education, although it was developed primarily
to be used in postgraduate courses of Clinical and Health Psychology. It is divided into
three main components (P-E-T): “Participants” (interests, goals, meaningfulness of
the course content, social conditions in the learning group and practical relevance),
“Environmental conditions” (room, provider of the course, course material) and “Teacher”
(social competence and skills in teaching). The dimensions meet the quality criteria
of objectivity, reliability and validity and they are economic and useful. Therefore, the
developed questionnaire is a sound possibility to gather the participants’ attitudes and
thus to maintain a high level of quality in the teaching process