Page No – 132-139
Neha Acharya and Shobhna Joshi
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
The parental support exerts most direct influence upon the acquisition of
achievement motivation. Thus the present investigation provides an important
perspective of the relationship between achievement motivation and parental
support. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between
achievement motivation and parental support, and to examine the gender
differences in parental support. The sample for the present study consisted of
500 adolescents in the age group of 16 to 18 years from Varanasi city who were
enrolled in class 11th and 12th Deo Mohan achievement motivation scale and
family support scale were used to assess achievement motivation and parental
support, respectively. The results indicate a positive correlation between
achievement motivation and parental support. Girls are sensitive to parental
support as compared to boys. Achievement motivation is related to success in
life, life satisfaction and quality of life. The study revealed that parental support
for their children seems to have a strong influence on achievement motivation.
The results of the study are generally positive and have an important implication
for educators and parents. In particular, parents should support educational
activities of their children to enhance their academic motivation