Page No 325-332
K. Menaashe Pooja
Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research, Chennai
Kavitha Dhanaraj
Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chenna
Considerable research has been conducted and identified that individuals can build
resilience by identifying and resolving anger. Anger is an emotional and subjective
experience (Gold, B., 2011), whereas resilience is the ability to adapt successfully in
the face of stress and adversity (Wu et al., 2013). The present study was conducted to
understand the relationship between expression of anger and resilience among college
students among 100 male and 100 female college students aged 19 – 24 years. The
study was a descriptive–correlative study. Ex post facto research design was used.
Data was collected using State-Trait anger expression inventory – 2 (STAXI – 2) and
14–item resilience scale (RS-14). Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there
was a significant negative relationship between the expression of anger and resilience
among college students (p<0.01). Independent sample t-test revealed no significant
difference in the expression of anger and resilience among male and female college
students. These findings highlight the importance of anger control in maintaining