Sargam Bhatnagar and Kamlesh Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
India is a land of cultural diversity with varied religious, cultural, and spiritual beliefs
manifested through traditional customs and rituals. However, there is a lack of
psychometrically sound instruments to assess global beliefs about the world. To bridge
this gap, the present research aimed to study the Psychometric properties of the Brief
Primal Inventory- PI-18, a measure focused on assessing the general beliefs about
the world in the Indian setting. Primal World beliefs are the global judgments about
the world that guide various personality and Wellbeing outcomes in individuals. A total
sample of 645 participants responded to an online survey including the Brief Primal
Inventory (PI-18), Scale of Positive and Negative Affect (SPANE), Satisfaction with Life
Scale (SWLS), and Flourishing Scale in a bilingual format encompassing both English
and Hindi. As a result, it was found that the original three-factor solutions did not get
confirmed, and two possible solutions, namely, a four-factor (PI-12) and a single-factor
structure (PI-9), were selected as being the most suitable models through exploratory
factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated acceptable fit indices for the
single factor structure in the Hindi sample. The PI-12 and PI-9 versions appear to be
reliable and valid measure, as indicated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of 0.779 and
0.827, respectively. Both factor solutions exhibit significant positive correlations with
the affect balance scores, whereas the four-factor solution demonstrates a significant
negative correlation with the negative affect scores. However, the magnitude of the
correlations was low to moderate..