Page No.260-265.
Sandeep Berwal and Savita Gahlawat
B.P.S. Mahila Vishwavidayala, Sonipat, Haryana
The study was designed to examine whether the practice of yoga has a positive
effect on self-concept and emotional maturity of visually impaired students. The
sample consisted of 15 visually impaired students drawn purposively from a School
for the Blind. A Yoga training programme was designed and the subjects were
exposed to it for a period of four weeks. The effects of yoga on self-concept of visually
impaired students were measured by administering Saraswat’s Self-Concept
Inventory whereas effects on emotional maturity were obtained by applying Yashvir
Singh and Mahesh Bhargava’s Emotional Maturity Scale. The data was analyzed in
terms of mean, SD, and ‘t’ test. The results indicate that on the whole, the level of
self concept and emotional maturity of visually impaired students improves after the
practice of yoga. Significance differences were found between mean gain scores on
all the dimensions of Self-Concept Inventory and Emotional Maturity Scale. The
study has its implications for school administrators, policy makers, parents, teachers,
community leaders, and rehabilitation workers.