Page No.291-298
Hardeo Ojha and Niranjan Prasad Yadav
T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bihar
The present study was planned to see if the psychological wellbeing of the aged can be
improved by some yogic practices.As indicators of psychological wellbeing five positive
traits viz., self-concept, self-efficacy, ego-strength, emotional stability and life satisfaction
and five negative traits viz., anxiety, insecurity alienation, identity crisis and loneliness
were selected. The yogic practices undertaken were Kapalbhati,Anulom-Vilom, Bhramri,
Tratak, Dhyan and Yognidra. Around 500 subjects who were retired officials (in the age
group of 65-75 years) were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups in
equal numbers. The experimental groups practiced yogic techniques for half an hour daily
for six months, which was the intervention period- while the control group continued with
their normal activities. The two groups were tested and retested after the intervention
period on the measures of psychological wellbeing. The comparisons revealed that there
was a significant improvement in the psychological wellbeing of the experimental (yoga)
group- but, no difference was found in the control group. Hence, it can be concluded
that yogic practices could lead to a holistic and balanced life among the aged.