Instructions to Authors


Instructions to Authors

The JIAAP is a refereed and indexed Journal. All articles are sent to expert assessors who evaluate each paper on several dimensions, such as originality of the work, scientific argument, style of English, format of the paper, references, citations and finally they comment on suitability of the article for the Journal. In case of review articles, the importance of the subject and the extent the review is comprehensive are assessed. Plagiarism is treated as an offense. So please check your paper carefully for possible plagiarism. You may use the free plagiarism checker available at the internet before submitting the paper. Prospective authors are expected that before submitting any article for publication they would make sure that it strictly abides by the manuscript preparation instruction and that there is no plagiarism. The improvement of article may be achieved in the following ways (i) more attention to language (ii) more attention to the logical coherence among the sections of the article (iii) attention to detect possible plagiarism (iv) checking whether the paper is strictly according to APA standard and JIAAP format.

Types of Articles and Word limits (including references but excluding abstract and title

(a) Articles based on empirical data: Maximum word limit 5000
(b) Theoretical or Review Articles: Maximum word limit 6000
(c) Brief reports: Maximum word limit 1500.


Submission may be made in any of the three modes:

Mode 1: Online submission:

Please open and log in as author and submit your manuscript as instructed in
the site. You are requested to use this facility since it will help in quicker processing and you will
get an immediate acknowledgement.

Mode 3: Hard copy and CD
Submit a copy of manuscript alongwith CD to the Editor: Dr. M.V.Sudhakaran, Professor of
Psychology, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai – 600 015, Mob. : 94441 70925, Phone: 044-
24306654. The Editor will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript in due course.
Before submission, please make sure you have provided the following:

Name, affiliation and email of all authors
 Full postal address, telephone/mobile number of the corresponding author
 Abstract and keywords
 Text files in a standard word-processing format (preferably Arial 11 point)
 Graphics of high-resolution. Preferred formats are either TIFF or EPS.
 All necessary files have been uploaded/ attached.
 All figure captions are available.
 All tables are present (including title, description, footnotes).

The Review Process:
The JIAAP has a three tier review process. We will go for a blind review for each paper and
the corresponding author will be informed of the comments by the reviewers as applicable. The
paper may be accepted as it is, need to be revised (major or minor revision), or considered as
not acceptable. The editor’s decision is binding. At the same time, the authors may withdraw the
manuscript if they do not to find the suggested revisions acceptable.
Manuscript preparation
The manuscript should include a separate title page with the name of the author(s) and
affiliations. Author identification notes should be typed only on the title page. E-mail address of
the corresponding author may please be provided.
The manuscript should be typed in 1.5 line spacing in Arial, Font size 11.
Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Formatting instructions and instructions on the preparation of
tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts appear in the Manual.
Graphic files are welcome if supplied as Tiff. High-quality printouts are needed for all figures in
case of Submission mode 3. The minimum line weight for line art is 0.5 point for optimal printing.
When possible, please place symbol legends below the figure instead of to the side.


Major Components of an article

It should be short and accurate, no need to prefix “A study of”. Please avoid abbreviations in
the title. Also please provide a short title of 2/3 words for use as running head of paper. Author/s
Name and institutional affiliations, and running head should be given with title on a separate page
only. Address, qualification, etc. may be provided at the end of paper.

May also be given at the end of the paper.
Should be short; not more than 150 words. Please mention essential background information,
objectives, methods and findings in brief. (Please give on a separate page). Three to five keywords
may be mentioned.
Introduction: (Please do not give ‘Introduction’ as heading).
Introductory part should be precise and pertain to the specific area of study covering only
relevant research. Please avoid use of references more than 15 years old unless they are absolutely
essential. In providing references within text, please follow the APA style.

Objectives / Hypotheses:
These may be made a separate heading, or included in the Introduction.
Method: (not methodology)
This should cover Techniques, Sample, Tools/Measures, Procedure, etc.
Please provide relevant facts only, data may be given preferably in the form of tables or
occasionally in figures. Please do not repeat the same data in more than one form. Do not include
too many tables (maximum limit is 4), and indicate in the paper where tables/figures should appear.
Use Arabic numerals for table and figure numbers, these should be carefully planned to fit the
production size of printed page. JIAAP does not usually publish detailed ANOVA tables, give only
F-values and their significance at suitable places in the text following APA style.
Please do not describe the values that already appear in the Tables.

This should be drafted carefully, stating the findings breifly. Then, in individual paragraphs
discuss these in the light of relevant past works. In some situations, results may be combined with
discussion so as to avoid repetition.
Finally, conclusions based on the findings may be stated clearly. In the concluding section,
please comment on application and limitations of the study, if any.
Citations in the text and References must correspond to each other; please avoid giving
the obvious/old classic studies or the irrelevant ones. Avoid giving references to abstracts and
unpublished papers. Give all journal titles in full and not in an abbreviated form. Please give
references in alphabetical order. JIAAP follows APA format for references. Please download the
APA 6th edition style sheet before finalizing the references.

Reference Examples:
All Journal titles with volume number and issue numbers are required to be given in italics.
All book titles should be given in italics.
Citing print resources:
Pestonjee, D.M. (1999). Stress and coping: The Indian experience. New Delhi: Sage
Ramalingam, P., & Nath, Y. (2012). School Psychology in India: A Vision for the Future,
Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 38, 21- 34.
Zubin, J. (1975). Problem of attention in schizophrenia. In M.I. Kietzman, S. Sutton and J.
Zubin (Eds.) Experimental approaches to psychopathology. New York: Academic Press.
Citing DOI:
Farrell, P. (2010). School psychology: Learning lessons from history and moving forward.
School Psychology International, 31, 581-598. doi: 10.1177/0143034310386533.
Citing web resources:
Shackelford, W. (2000). The six stages of cultural competence. In Diversity central:
Learning. Retrieved April 16, 2000, from

Authors are required to obtain and provide to the editor on final acceptance all necessary
permissions to reproduce any copyrighted work, including, for example, test instruments and other
test materials or portions thereof.
Publication policy
JIAAP policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent
consideration of other publications. As this journal is a national journal that publishes original
materials, JIAAP policy prohibits publication of any manuscript that has already been published in
whole or in substantial part elsewhere. Authors will be required to state in writing that the submitted
paper is an original work not submitted elsewhere, and that they have complied with ethical
standards in the treatment of their sample, human or animal, and describe the details of treatment.
Communication about manuscript, feedback/suggestions, book and test reviews and permission
for reproduction of an article or any part should be addressed to Prof. Panch Ramalingam, Editor,
JIAAP, #17,14th Street, Krishna Nagar, Puducherry – 605 008, India. Email: journaliaap@gmail.
com. Website: Mobile:+91-94433 52476.

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