Barve, S.R. Kadam, G.
Vidula Psychological Consultancy, Pune Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College,
The co-morbidity between ADHD, bipolar disorders and Borderline personality disorder
(BPD) has been well established in research. A 21 year old, non- binary person
belonging to upper socioeconomic status nuclear family, with professionally qualified
working parents, temperamentally anxious and emotionally sensitive, with significant
family issues, history of abuse in the childhood and diagnosed with medical condition
of fibromyalgia was diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar disorder and BPD, CBT, DBT, and
psycho-education were combined for therapeutic purposes, involving education on
neurological and psychological aspects of disorders, emphasizing the importance of
pharmacological treatment. Techniques included mood monitoring, identifying triggers,
emotion regulation, relaxation, distress tolerance, and mindfulness meditation training.
The treatment spanned over a year with ongoing follow-up. The client now recognizes
mood shifts, minimizes risky behaviors during hypomanic episodes, maintains
functionality, and has ceased self-harm. While managing interpersonal relationships
and emotion regulation remains challenging, distress tolerance has improved