Page No 278-288
Ganga Sharma and Sumnima Rai
Sikkim University, Gangtok
The present study adopted a quantitative research approach with research design
involving the use of a survey method to collect data from participants, incorporating
standardized scales with good reliability and validity to assess mindfulness, resilience,
satisfaction with life and emotion regulation. Participants who are currently engaged in
mindfulness-based practices were recruited from monasteries, and other relevant
community spaces such as Brahma Kumaris centres and Heartfulness meditation
centre. Non-practitioners were not engaged in any mindfulness-based practices. The
age groups were from 20 to 50 years old. Mindfulness practitioner groups was seen to
be better at resilience, had greater satisfaction with life and were able to regulate their
emotions better as compared to non-practitioners. Further, the result showed that gender
only affected expressive suppression and the interaction effect between practitioner
types and gender was found only on resilience