Page No 156-167
Shipra Agrahari and Shubhra Sinha
Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Varanasi
Menstrual Hygiene Practices Followed among Rural Adolescent Girl Students
Page No 35-43
Manjula G Kadapatti and K. H. Genevieve
Smt. V.H.D Central Institute of Home Science, MCU, Bangalore
Mediating Role of Positive – Negative Affectivity in the Manifestation of Self-Esteem and Clinical Anger among Adolescents
Page No 315-323 Suhail Rashid Hajam, and Waheeda Khan
SGT university, Gurugram, India
Interdependence of Aggression on The Exposure to Violent Video Games among Adolescents
Page No 155-159 Manjula G Kadapattiand Maheshwari. S
Maharani Cluster University, Bangalore (Karnataka) India
Social Fabric in Struggle: Investigating Attachment Styles and Social Intelligence among Adolescents from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds
Page No 80-90 Seema Vinayak, and Jaswant Singh
Panjab University, Chandigarh
New-age Parenting and Digital Socialization in India: A Qualitative Inquiry
Sonam Chandhok
University of Delhi, Delhi
Suruchi Bhatia
Shyama Prasad Mukherji College, University of Delhi, Delhi