Page No 264-273
Hunny Kalra and Suninder Tung
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Quality of Life and Its Correlates among Cancer Caregivers
Page No 196-206
Chetna Jaiswal, Nishi Srivastava, Unnikannan P Santhosh Kumar,
and S Aparna Sankar,
Central University of South Bihar, Gaya
Impact of Social Support on Quality of Life of Chronically Ill Patients
Page No 59-66
Anoushka Sharma, and Sundeep Kumar
Amity Institute of Behavioural & Allied Sciences (AIBAS),
Amity University Haryana
Internalizing Problems among Learning Disabled Adolescents
Page No 187-191 R. Vatsala Mirnaalini and S. Gayatridevi
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore
Psychological Aspects in Institutionalized Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia undergoing Pharmacological and Integrated Treatment
Page No 36-47 Reena Rawat, Sunita Purty and Mahak Mathur
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital Jaipur
Strength of Religious Faith among the Muslim: Role of Quality of Life, Distress Tolerance and Dispositional Resilience
Page No 9-17
Sandeep, Tajbina Yasin, and Nafisa Ahmed
Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India