Page No.124-132
Sanchita Srivastava and Purnima Singh
Delhi, India
Negative consequences due to stigmatization experienced by various stigmatized groups
have been a primary focus of stigma research. The negative impact of stigma on selfesteem is most commonly reported in the case of various stigmatized groups. Research
on physical disability, one of the ‘discredited’ stigmas (stigma due to visible cues) has
not gained much attention amongst scholars in comparison to the research on other
stigmatized groups. Furthermore, the negative impact on self related consequences
(self-esteem & self-efficacy) of the physically challenged group and also the role of selfefficacy of a physically challenged individual in determining its impact on self-esteem is
also not explored much. The present study examined the perceived stigma experiences
of 138 physically challenged individuals. The study tested the mediating role of selfefficacy between the negative relationship of perceived stigma and self-esteem. The
significant mediation results emphasized the special need to study the significance of
self-efficacy in the lives of physically challenged population