Page No 278-288
Afreen A Hussain, Nikhil Saini, and Swapnil Gupta
Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Assam
The need to detect deception and accurately assess the innocents is a pressing priority
in a world where crime changes its face and form every day. Forensic psychological
tools strive to detect deception using different methods and technologies. The present
study uses the Suspect Detection System; a tool used to detect malicious intent in
individuals. The system adopts a questioning technique called the Concealed Information
Test (CIT). This study introduces the Silent Answer Test (SAT) after the CIT to observe
changes between the results of the two questioning techniques administered in the
sequence mentioned. Results of the study depicted that while CIT identified deceptive
individuals, the SAT did not identify the same individuals as deceptive. Yet, one
participant who was identified as deceptive in the SAT was not shown as such in the
preceding CIT. There were no participants who were commonly identified as deceptive
by both techniques.