Anjana Bhattacharjee, Aurondhuti Roy and Tatini Ghosh
Tripura University
In this technological era, internet usage became a part and parcel of our everyday life.
Excessive use of internet is very common among young generations particularly among
the youths. Now days, it is common for a child to have access to computer, laptop,
and smart phones with proper internet connection since they are toddlers. As the time
continues, the use of internet is also increasing among the people starting from child to
adult, especially since Covid-19 pandemic, the youths are prone to internet addiction.
Particularly among the youths, internet has created an obsessive and uncontrollable
urge to stay online for long hours on different social media platforms for entertainment,
playing online games or online shopping. Continuous indulges in these online activities
ultimately affect their education, academic performances, mental and physical health and
also relationships with family and friends. The current study tries to make an in-depth
analysis of internet addiction among the youths from various sources like, PsycInfo,
Google Scholar, CrossRef, PubMed, ResearchGate, Springer, and many other research
journals. The present study intends to examine the various predictors of internet addiction
among youths. Further, the paper also suggested some preventive measures for limiting
the use of internet, consequently reducing internet addiction