Page No 543-556
Pratibha Khutan,
DAV University, Jalandhar, India
Suninder Tung,
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
The present study aims to investigate the direct as well as indirect effect (through
Emotional Regulation) of Attachment (to Parents and Peers) on Body Image Evaluation
(BIE) among adolescents. In this model, Emotional Regulation (ER) serves as a catalyst
in the relationship of Attachment and BIE. A sample of 611 adolescents (298 males
and 313 females) with age ranging from 13-19 years (M = 16.03; SD = 1.55) was taken.
The mediating role of ER in the relationship of Attachment and BIE was investigated.
Multiple Hierarchical Regression analyses revealed that the relationship between Mother
Attachment and BIE was partially mediated by Positive Rational Acceptance
(emphasizing acceptance of the challenging event and positive self-care). Further, the
relationship of Father Attachment and Peer Attachment with BIE was partially mediated
by Appearance Fixing (altering appearance by covering, camouflaging, or correcting
the perceived defect). The findings of the study are considered in terms of Cognitive
Behavioral (CB) Perspectives on the development of BIE. The findings of the present
study highlighted that Attachment with Parents and Peers and ER strategies influence
the acquisition of BIE among adolescents