Page No.93-102
Neerpal Rathi and Renu Rastogi
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among Emotional Intelligence
(EI), occupational self-efficacy, and organizational commitment. Data were collected
120 employees working in various organizations in India. A positive and significant
correlation is observed between EI and occupational self-efficacy (p< 0.01), whereas
a positive relationship (not significant) is observed between EI and organizational
commitment. Moreover, a low positive association is found between occupational
self-efficacy and organizational commitment. The research implies that EI and
occupational self-efficacy are related with a variety of organiza tionally desirable
outcomes. Therefore, an understanding of the levels of EI and occupational
selfefficacy will be helpful in taking suitable steps (such as conducting training programs)
to enhance these competencies among the employees.