Page No.71-77
Atri Sengupta and Vijai N. Giri
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Indian Institute of Technology,
Shibpur Kharagpur
The present paper assesses the relationship of alexithymia and managerial styles.
It has been examined whether alexithymia predicts managerial styles, and high
and low alexithymia groups differ on managerial styles in Indian organizations. To
measure alexithymia and managerial styles, Toronto Alexithymia Scale – 20 (TAS20) (Bagby, Parker, & Taylor, 1994), and S tyles Profile of Interactional RolesManagement (SPIRO-M) (Pareek, 1997) were used respectively . Data were
collected from 125 middle level managers, aged 30–45 years, from various public
and private sector. Multiple regression analyses suggest that alexithymia predicted
significantly both OK (supportive, normative, problem-solving, innovative, and
resilient) and Not-OK (rescuing, bohemian, and sulking) managerial styles. K-means
cluster analysis was used to identify high and low alexithymia groups. One-way
ANOVA revealed that significant dif ference between high and low group s was
observed on innovative managerial style. Low alexithymia group was more
innovative as compared to the high alexithymia group. Implications of the study
have been discussed.