Page No , 210-220
Vibhuti Pant Sunil Kumar Verma
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai Vivekananda College, University of Delhi
A child’s upbringing and importance of family as a social institution in shaping the
personality of an individual has been highlighted in many studies. Children who lose
their parents in an early age are vulnerable to stressful situations. However adaptive
factors such as resilience and intelligence impact a child’s mental health positively. This
study involves 60 children in the age group of 8-13 years tried to explore the pattern of
stress and its effect on intelligence among children living with family and in orphanage
as well as see the effect of gender on experiences of stress and intelligence. Draw a
Person Test and Picture Frustration Study (Children’s Form) were administered on the
children .Findings revealed that with regard to P-F study, children in orphanages tend
to direct their aggression towards the environment while those in family try to evade
frustration while males tend to direct their aggression on to themselves. All respondents
have similar pattern of experience on drawing of man and woman. However, male and
female significantly differ on drawing of self and total.An interaction effect of gender and
institution was visible; the overall findings of DAPT revealed that females in orphanage
have the high intelligence while males depicted low scores on intelligence. Pattern of
correlation shows that while N-P domain of P-F study is significantly and negatively
correlated with total DAPT score, the M domain is positively correlated with it.