Page No., 483-490
KC Barmola
SRM University, Sonepat Haryana
Vaishali Saini
Manastha Health Solutions Private Ltd, India
Stress and lower self-esteem are amongst the top factors taking a toll on mental health
of youth nowadays. This led to numerous researches to find ways to handle it. The
current study attempted to find the relationship spirituality, self esteem and resilience
can help students to overcome this stress. To find the aim of the study a sample 150
College Students were selected purposively of Haryana, India. All the respondents
were within the age group of 17- 26 years. To measure self esteem, resilience, spirituality
and stress among college student Self-Esteem Scale by Rosenberg (1965), Brief
Resilience Scale by Smith (2008), Daily Spiritual Experience scale by Underwood &
Teresi (2002) and Student Stress Inventory by Mohamed Arip et al (2015) were used.
Results of the study suggests that there was a significantly positive relationship between
self-esteem and resilience (r
= .385, p<.01). There was also found significantly negative
relationship between self-esteem and stress (r
= -.362, p<.01); resilience and stress
= -.353, p<.01), and self-esteem and spirituality (r
= -.232, p<.01). Another finding
says there is no significant relationship between spirituality and stress (r
= .127,
p<.01), and spirituality and resilience (r
= -.054, p<.01). It may be concluded that self
esteem resilience have important role in managing stress while spirituality does not
any association with stress