Page No.77-82
A.K.S. Kushwaha and B. Hasan
Govt. Kamla Nehru Girls College, Balaghat Pt. R.S. University, Raipur
The present study is an attempt to explore the psychological explanation for career
decision making by incorporating the personality dimensions of Eysenck’s model,
namely, extraversion and neuroticism in a paradigmatic manner. Sex is also incorporated
in the study as an independent variable. Employing 2×2×2 factorial design with fixed
effect model, the stratified random sampling technique is used to select an unbiased
representative sample of 320 adolescent students (160 male and 160 females) of class
Xth within the age range of 14 to 16 years in each cell 40 subjects were randomly
placed. Finally selected subjects were put to score on career decision making scale.
After the 2×2× 2 ANOVA treatment, extraversion, neuroticism and sex have emerged
as potential factors in generating significant variance upon career decision making.