Page No.39-45
Rupashree Khubalkar and Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj
Nagpur University, Nagpur
The experiment was conducted on a sample of 12 young non-regular meditators
to examine the effects of Integral Meditation On Peace with respect to anxiety,
higher-level conscious experiences, introspective reports, and pulse rate. StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) by Speilberger et al.; Meditational experiences
checklist (MEC) by Khubalkar were used to assess anxiety and higher–level
conscious experiences respectively. Pre-test–Post-test single group design was
used for analyzing the effect/s. One Way ANOVA for repeated measures was
employed to analyze differences in pulse rate in three conditions, ‘pre’ (before),
‘during’, and ‘post’ (after) meditation session. The results indicated significant
increase in higher-level conscious experiences, decrease in trait anxiety and
pulse rate due to meditation. Introspective reports in ‘before’ meditation condition
consisted of general reactions toward the test/s taken whereas ‘after’ meditation
condition reports comprised experiences like ‘feeling of very much calm and
peace, silence, as though in void, not able to think wrong about anything, etc.
Implication of IM on Peace for self – growth and self-transformation, is discussed