Page No. 9-15
ICFAI Business School, Chennai
The aim of the present study is to investigate hierarchical and sectoral differences in managerial
work. Unlike other studies, this considers both frequency and importance in measuring
managerial work to give capture critical work activities that characterize the positions. A random
sample of 180 senior, middle and junior managers from service, IT and manufacturing sectors
from Chennai City rated check list of activities both for frequency and importance on a 5-point
rating scale. Criticality score was computed by multiplying frequency with importance for four
managerial work dimensions namely, traditional management, communication, human resource
management and networking. A 3 x 3 MANOVA was computed to test the differences across
hierarchical levels and sectors. The results reveals insignificant differences across hierarchical
levels, significant differences in traditional management and communication between managers
of manufacturing sector and other two sectors, and a significant interaction in human resource
management between senior managers in IT sector and managers of other sectors. The results
imply the impact of contextual factors in differentiating managerial work