Page No., 374-379
Rajesh Verma
FGM Government College Adampur, Hisar
Rakesh Verma
MNS Govt. College, Bhiwani
A family-hit [TBI] that refreshed the Phineas Gage incident has been presented in this
study. The event’s significance attracted the attention of the researcher to explore the
case in depth. The family-hit on the top right forehead just above the eyebrow was hard
enough to knock down the 8-year-old child on the ground. It was a primary injury that
took almost three weeks to heal. The physical injury seemedminor, but associated
psychological trauma led to behavioural and personality upheaval in the child. The
consequences associated with secondary injury had observable effects on the victim’s
behavioural expressions. For collection of historical accounts, a self-designed semistructured questionnaire was used to interview the participant, parents, and teachers.
The present case describes the causes and circumstances of the event and post-event
analysis. The subject’s intelligence was assessed using Coloured Progressive Matrices
and the Seguin Form Board. The results indicated average intellectual capacity