Page No.9-15
Erika E.Voigt
Goettingen, Germany
Our task and challenge: “Meeting Individual and Community Needs!” – What
can our science and professional experience contribute to education in nowadays
rapidly changing society? Here a look from the perspective of a practitioner,
over viewing more than 25 years of work in the German School System, also
relying on some own experience from research and teaching in less developed
countries and enriched by exchange with colleagues from many parts of the
world, thanks to our dedicated Professional Association of International School
Psychology (ISPA)1. The recently published handbooks of German2 and
International School Psychology3, over viewing more than 50 years development
of our profession, allow to make some conclusions on basic principles, influential
structural conditions, directions and examples of good practice. From this
perspective some fundamental challenges for the contribution of our profession
to societal change are discussed