Page No 334-339
Hardeo Ojha and Sunil Kumar Tiwary
T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur
TThe study was planned to investigate the difference between musicians and non musicians
in respect of 15 manifest needs and 6 kinds of values. As measures of needs and values
Tripathi Personal Preference Schedule and Ojha Value Test were administered individually
to 100 musicians and 100 non musicians matched in respect of age, sex, education, area
of residence and family income. Comparison of the mean scores on each of the needs
and values revealed that musicians differed from non musicians significantly only on six
needs and five values. Musicians showed higher scores on achievement, exhibition,
affiliation, change, endurance and heterosexuality needs and aesthetic, social and
religious values, but lower scores on economic and political values. On nine remaining
needs and one value no significant difference was observed.