Page No. 16-20
Nazirul Hasnain and Divya Kumar
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
A total of 150 college going female students studying in different colleges were given a
Biographical Inventory prepared for the purpose of finding out the girls who were sexually
abused in their childhood. Out of 150 students 57 reported incidents of sexual abuse in their
childhood and 93 did not report any incident. Among sexually abused 24 reported one or the
other or more than one kinds of severe sexual abuse and 33 reported moderate sexual abuse.
Those who reported incidents of stroking or rubbing, hugging and kissing in sexual ways,
flashing / exposing genitals by an adult male, performing or making the girl oral sex or having
sexual intercourse, were put in the severely sexual abused category. Those who reported
incidence of looking at in a sexual way, making kind or suggestive comments, showing
pornographic materials by an adult male, were put in the moderately abused category. As per
the willingness and availability of the participants for further research 20 from each of the two
sexually abused categories were included in the final study. A third group of 20 girls as a
control group was also taken on random basis from amongst 93 participants who did not
report any childhood abuse. PGI Well-being Scale by Verma and Verma was administered. ttest showed nonsignificant difference between psychological well-being of moderately and
severely sexually abused participants. However, both moderately and severely abused
participants had significantly lower psychological well-being than normal participants.