Page No 352-361.
Swetha S
CMR University, Bangalore
Dhanya N
The Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur.
Transgender individuals, whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them
at birth, face unique challenges and hurdles throughout life. From navigating societal
norms and expectations to confronting discrimination in various aspects of their daily
lives, such as education, employment, and healthcare, they often encounter significant
barriers to positively adapting to adversity. This study investigates the relationship
between resilience and life satisfaction among transgenders. The study was conducted
among 51 transgender individuals (Transmen= 28, Transwomen= 23) in Madurai, Tamil
Nadu, selected through a snowball sampling procedure. Data was collected using the
Brief Resilience Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Non-parametric statistical
analyses such as spearman’s rank’s rank order correlation and Mann-Whitney U test
were employed. Regression analysis was used to investigate whether resilience predicted
life satisfaction among transgenders. Results revealed that there is a significant positive
correlation between resilience and life satisfaction. The result also demonstrated that
resilience predicts life satisfaction