Page No.274-280.
Sadia Niazi, Adnan Adil, and Najma Iqbal Malik
University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
The present study aimed at investigating self-efficacy as a predictor of achievement
goals. In addition, gender differences in achievement goals and self-efficacy were
also the focus of interest. The sample of 200 studnets was conveniently drawn (100
boys and 100 girls) from different departments of University of Sargodha. Achievement
Goals Questionnaire and General Self-efficacy Scale were used to measure
achievement goals and self-efficacy, respectively. Correlation matrix demonstrated
that mastery and performance achievement goals were positively correlated with
self-efficacy, whereas performance avoidance goals were not related to self-efficacy.
Regression analysis revealed that self-efficacy significantly predicted mastery goals
and performance approach goals. Furthermore, t-test revealed significant gender
differences in performance approach goals and non significant gender differences
in performance avoidance goals and mastery goals. Implications of the study and
suggestions for future research have also been discussed.