Page No.35-42
Erum Irshad and Mohsin Atta
University of Peshawar, Pakistan
The present study aimed at discerning the relationship between social competence
and bullying among children and adolescents. The sample consists of 253 children
and adolescents of public sector schools of Sargodha. Social competence and
bullying were operationalized through Social Competence Scale and Illinois Bullying
Scale. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that self control and social skills
were significant predictors of bullying. Self control, empathy and social skills turned
out to be the negative predictors for fighting. Finally communication skills and
prosocial behaviour also predicted victimization in negative direction. Current findings
confirmed and substantially extended the research endeavor on the relationship
between social competence and bullying behavior. From an educational point of
view the findings suggest that training of social competence skills might be an
important tool in decreasing bullying