Page No.23-30
R. S. Ranta and R. S. Pirta
Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
The paper has explored three north Himalayan villages to understand how community
involves the divine factor through the institution of deity for its well-being. The institution
of Jamlu in Malana of Kullu district has perhaps a unique democratic system for
resolving people’s problems but at the same time the community isolates itself
through social fencing. Second instance is from the far eastern part of Himachal
Pradesh, the Mathi of Chhitkul in Kinnaur disrict. People in this physically remote
village show unique achievement in the indicators modern development though abiding
with Hindu and Buddhist religious beliefs. Third example is from a comparatively
easily accessible place where the modern horticulture has a significant impact. The
apple growers of Banchunch in Shimla district, where the institution of Boindra thrive,
revive an old cult of Bhunda yajna for their well-being in a unique show of solidarity
between villages over an enormous area.