Page No.47-51
Upadhyay, G.R. and Havalappanavar, N.B.
Karnataka Institute of Mental Health, Dharwad Karnataka University, Dharwad
Parents of mentally retarded children face stress and the support from the spouse
is an important factor in reducing such stress. Single parent families (widows and
widowers) lack such support from the spouse and hence experience a greater level
of stress. Present study compares the level of stress among widows and widowers
to that among families where both parents are alive. Stress among 77 single parents
(58 widows and 19 widowers) was compared with that of 77 families (matched
group) where both the father and the mother were alive. Test developed by Girimaji
S.R. Shobha Srinath, Shekhar Sheshadri & Subba Krishna D.K. (1999) for measuring
stress and coping in families having retarded children (FISC-MR) was used to evaluate
the experienced stress. Results showed that single parents differed significantly
regarding total stress and in all four areas of stress (care, emotional, social and
financial stress).Stress was high in emotional and social areas compared to care
and financial stress. Widows and widowers showed similar care stress. They differed
significantly in their social, financial, emotional and total stress. Single parent families
of mentally retarded children experience higher levels of stress (total and in all
areas) compared to such families where both parents are alive. Total, social,
emotional and financial stresses, were higher than the care stress among widows
compared to widowers.