Page No.26-34.
S. Venkatesan
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore
This exploratory cross-sectional random survey obtains behavioral reactions of 85
parents under two conditions: (a) observations during testing of their children; (b)
interview reports on how they handle academic problems of their children at home.
Results reveal three major directional patterns of parent reactions targeting the
child, themselves or outer-directed reactions against the school system. During
testing, parents show both proactive and negative reactions towards their child. The
reports on handling strategies for their children at home show the use of several ad
hoc tactics, short-cuts to cure, panacea to heal and palliatives to ease along with
self-abnegation techniques. The results are presented and discussed in the light of
their unique cultural implications for initiating parent training programs for bettering
the quality of lives for the affected children with academic problems in the country