Page No 87-102
Mandeep Kaur and Jeenat Rani
Punjabi University, Patiala
The present study was carried out on 150 employees; males (n=75) and females (n=75),
with the age range of 34-64(M=40.88 age), (SD=5.37);early middle age (34–44) and
late middle age(45-64) across Punjabi University, Patiala with the aim of understanding
the obedience behaviour among them. The present study aimed to ferret out the
association between personality, locus of control and obedience. They were administered
Big Five Factor questionnaire (Goldberg, 1993), Locus of Control by Rotter and
Organizational Obedience Scale by Çapan, Uzunçarþýlý. The above questionnaires
were translated into native language Punjabi and were certified and validated by the
experts. The obtained data was analysed with the latest version IBM SPSS 29. The
data collected was analysed with descriptive analysis, Product moment correlation,
Regression, and t- test (independent t- test). Findings revealed that internal locus of
control was negatively associated with destructive obedience. Individuals with specific
personality traits, such as agreeableness and conscientiousness, had a positive
correlation with destructive obedience, where initially these attributes are viewed
favourably by society, but under the wrong influence, they are more susceptible to
being controlled. As far as age is concerned employees of late middle age (45-64) were
high on obedience as compared to early middle age. There is gender differences
between male and female due to obedience. Males are more obedient as compared to
female. Implications of the study are quite high in the field of work sector