Page No.354-369
Shikha Sharma & Sanjeev K. Sharma
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Resilience is of great importance for individuals working in complex and instable
environments. Individual resilience is the ability of an individual to bounce back and
sustain in adverse conditions. Research revealed that resilient employees are more
likely to be productive, agile and innovative during the turbulent times, thereby making
it essential to have an individual centric measure of resilience. The current study
examined the psychometric properties of Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC)
on a sample of Indian IT Executives including 160 employees of 12 IT firms located in
Chandigarh tri-city region. The result of exploratory principal component factor analysis
with varimax rotation and confirmatory factor analysis verified the original five factor
structure as given by Connor and Davidson (2003). In this study 74% of variance was
jointly explained by the five factors. The result supported the dimensionality, reliability
(α = 0.85) and validity of the CD-RISC scale for measuring the IT Executives resilience.
The results of the study helps in representing individual resilience as first order construct
made up of five dimensions: Personal competence, high standards and tenacity; Trust
in one’s instincts, tolerance of negative affect and the strengthening effects of stress;
Positive acceptance of change and secure relationships with others, Control, and
Spiritual influences.